What You Can Achieve

  • I feel in control of my weight again...

    “Signing up to exercise with the mobile personal training company has been a great experience, I have loved it from start to finish. They have helped me get my weight and fitness back on track. I was nervous at first as I've tried to lose weight myself in the gym and through dieting. My nerves soon eased as I received my email back with my quote and I felt confident my needs would be met. I signed up to a weight-loss programme and I received a tailor made plan specific to my goals and now feel better both physically and mentally.”

  • I never thought exercise could be fun...

    “I have struggled with my mental health for a while and always had no confidence in myself. I saw my doctor and they suggested I should try and exercise (not that I'm in bad shape). I did some research and found the mobile pt company and decided to give it a go. I was very anxious at first but as soon as I had done my warm up I had forgotten I was nervous and actually felt like I was enjoying myself. I never thought exercise could be fun and I'm even going to try and drag a friend along for my next session.”

  • My squats are now perfect...

    “I go to the gym four or five times per week after work and never skip leg day. I know what I'm doing exercise wise but I just wanted to be 100% certain my technique was right when doing a squat. I can't afford a personal trainer at my gym so when I saw the 'technique perfection' service it was a no brainer, especially at the price. My squats are now perfect, Thank you.”

  • Simple, but so effective...

    “The calorie counter that is offered is so simple but so effective. If you have tried to lose weight before but have had no luck or haven't stuck with it then give this a go. You get a number of calories that is unique to your body and if you eat less than that number you will lose weight. I don't even go to the gym but I have lost over a stone already just with this simple bit of knowledge. The best £15 I've ever spent.”

  • The hard work was worth it...

    “I was engaged to my (now) wife for seven years and had resigned myself to the fact I wouldn't look in shape on my wedding photos. My best man offered to train with me and bought me a gift card. I was dreading it as I enjoy a takeaway and a beer at weekends and haven't exercised properly for a while. I was ready to give up after the first session but the support I got from my family, friends and also my trainer was a huge help and I eventually started to look forward to the sessions. It was very hard work for me but I am glad I did it because I lost a stone and a half for my wedding. Thank you for all your help.”

  • The referral scheme helped me...

    “Having recently lost my job and not being able to afford my gym membership anymore, the referral scheme was a huge bonus for me. It was easy for me to download the form and take it to the job centre for my work coach to fill in with me. I have a weekly personal training session on my local park and it wouldn't have been possible without the referral scheme.”